Monday, November 12, 2012

Plebiscites of Maryland, Unite!

Last week, fresh off of his victories of the ballot questions, Governor O’Malley made the following statement: "I think we have been best served in our state in the over 200 years or more of our history, by a representative democracy rather than plebiscites.”

As a student of politics, and a frequent visitor to the Naval Academy in Annapolis, I have an understanding of the root word of plebe but hearing in this context made me curious so I looked up the word in Webster’s Dictionary.  Plebiscite meansa vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler.”

In simple English, plebiscite means that the people have the ability to voice their opinion on a choice made on their behalf by the government.

Governor O’Malley’s choice of words is no accident.  He thinks that the people should have NO voice in how their elected representatives make decisions.  We plebes are not smart enough to figure things out for ourselves and should blindly trust politicians to rule us.

I believe this line of thinking of the Governor comes from two places – arrogance of power and frustration with the referendum process.  The arrogance of power is easily explained because of the one party dominance in this state as well as the fact that O’Malley hasn’t been challenged since the 1999 primary race for mayor of Baltimore. 

His frustration with the referendum process is the more interesting aspect of his move to stifle the plebiscite voice in his political utopia.  Simply put, he was embarrassed that we plebes had the gall to challenge his authority.  O’Malley knows that without the presidential race as air cover he might have lost one or two of his pet projects because of these pesky people and their silly petition process.

Of course, there are two small issues of irony here: 1) In order to change the rules, it will have to go before the people in the referendum process in 2014; 2) If the changes are passed, it will not be in effect until 2015 when O’Malley is no longer in office.

It is up to us, the plebes, to stop this usurpation on our Constitutional rights.  The power of representative democracy comes from the people (plebes) not the other way around. The alternative is O'Malley's mantra: Behave, Be Stupid and Be Silent!

1 comment:

  1. From one plebe to another... The process needs to be challenged and so does O'Malley(including those who will be coming after him in the next couple of years). I was disappointed with the results of the referendum questions; but glad to have been a small part of the process! Thanks for including me. Guess I wasn't silent and stupid... Heather
